29 July 2010 | Enterprise 2.0 and Observable Work: Brian Tullis and Joe Crumpler, Burton Group Catalyst 2010 Santa Diego

July 29, 2010 · · Posted by Greg Lloyd

Brian Tullis and Joe Crumpler did a lively talk on Enterprise 2.0 and Observable Work at the Burton Group Catalyst 2010 North America conference in San Diego. For those of us who couldn't be there in person, see their Abstract quoted below and the enthusiastic Twitter stream from 29 Jul 2010! I'll add a link to their speaker notes and slides when they become available. Update: Brian posted Enterprise 2.0 and Observable work slides and speaker notes, see inline Slideshare below. Sounded like a super session!

Abstract: Most large organizations face huge challenges in staying aligned, knowing when and how to collaborate, and capturing knowledge for future use. Traction® TeamPage has allowed a large virtual team at Alcoa Fastening Systems to implement principles of “Observable Work” – which for us means making visible and transparent the normally arcane processes of Information Technology management. Implementation of observable work practices has increased alignment, collaboration, and knowledge capture in the organization. Topics discussed include:

• What is Observable Work and why is it important?
• Overview of techniques used to manage the flow of information.
• Examination of a successful multi-country ERP project managed with these tools and techniques.
• Areas of improvement and where we go from here.

Brian's blog post Observable Work: The Taming of the Flow
Jim McGee's original blog post
Followup discussion and links on Jim's post

Observable Work session Twitter feed

Image movito @panklam's term "OpenWork" and the just-coined "Observable Work" are more focused & precise. #owork holds far greater potential than #e20. via Tweetie for Mac

Image PhilippBohn RT @gialyons Loving the concept of Observable Work. hashtag is #OWork #cat10 <-- me2 via CoTweet

Image movito RT @gialyons Break out of proprietary doc formats, and use addressable hypertext (URLs) ← it's the best way forward #cat10 #alcoa #owork via Tweetie for Mac

Image movito RT @MikeGotta Observable work: make status of work visible and avoid needless "status meetings" - status available to all that care #owork via Tweetie for Mac

Fredrik Mathesonmovito RT @MikeGotta Observable work principles applied to project freed up 30% labor due to reduced meetings #cat10 #owork #socbiz via Tweetie for Mac

Gia Lyons gialyons Really great content here at Burton Group Catalyst Conference, esp. in the Social Means Business track. #cat10 via Seesmic

Gia Lyons gialyons Hey @Greg2dot0, @joecrumpler just presented about how Alcoa saved 100 hours by using #socbiz for project status updates. #OWork #cat10 via Seesmic

Gia Lyons gialyons Loving the concept of Observable Work. hashtag is #OWork #cat10 via Seesmic

Andy Wang aewang “@scottylogan: @joecrumpler @briantullis great presentation on observable work #cat10 #OWork” totally agree via Twitter for iPhone

Gia Lyons gialyons Most excellent prezzy from @joecrumpler @briantullis at #Alcoa #cat10 via Seesmic

Scotty Logan scottylogan @joecrumpler @briantullis great presentation on observable work #cat10 #OWork via YoruFukurou

Mike Gotta MikeGotta RT @gialyons: Traditional daily status process: 4hrs, 3 times/wk w/10 ppl=loss of 120 hrs of project labor, new process saves 100 hrs #cat10 via TweetDeck

Catalyst Tweet catatweet RT @gialyons Traditional process took 4hrs, 3 times/wk w/10 ppl=loss of 120 hrs of project labor. New #socbiz process saves #cat10. WOW!!! via Twittelator in reply to gialyons

Michael Rollings mikerollings "observable work" - anybody that ever experienced "death by meetings" would appreciate this approach #cat10 via Echofon

Andy Wang aewang Awesome presentation by the Aloca guys on E2.0 and Observable Work #cat10 via Twitterrific

Gia Lyons gialyons Project mgr throws an "explosion of information hand grenade" via #socbiz for others who care. Like mgrs. #alcoa #cat10 via Seesmic

Michael Rollings mikerollings "Observable work" reduces project status meetings because issues and accomplishments are transparent to team members as they occur #cat10 via Echofon

Dustin Updyke dustinupdyke Can I take @JoeCrumpler to work on Monday to clear our path of pointless meetings? #cat10 via TweetDeck

Larry Cannell lcannell Observable work also enables better focused meetings (not just reduces them), more productive use of (expensive) F2F time #cat10 via TweetDeck

Gia Lyons gialyons Traditional daily status process took 4hrs, 3 times/wk w/10 ppl=loss of 120 hrs of project labor. New #socbiz process saves 100 hrs. #cat10 via Seesmic

Mike Gotta MikeGotta Observable work principals applied to project freed up 30% labor due to reduced meetings #cat10 via TweetDeck

Catalyst Tweet catatweet Status as you work. #cat10. Reduce meetings. 30% increase in actual work. The result of observable work is reduced need for meetings. via Twittelator

Gia Lyons gialyons Reduce meetings is a result of observable work using #socbiz software; got 30% more labor out of teams, too. #cat10 #alcoa via Seesmic

Scotty Logan scottylogan reducing number of meetings led to a 30% increase in actual work #cat10 via YoruFukurou

Catalyst Tweet catatweet Manage content streams, read, and remain aware. #cat10. A key objective of the observable work principle. via Twittelator

Jason Keath jakrose @gialyons amen #cat10 #alcoa via TweetDeck in reply to gialyons

Mike Gotta MikeGotta "Status as you work" ... whether status telegraphs positive or negative news - all visible, transparent - and "observable" #cat10 via TweetDeck

Catalyst Tweet catatweet Use #social technology to have LESS MEETINGS by leveraging the status reporting inherent in the technology. #cat10 via Twittelator

Michael Rollings mikerollings Principle: achieve status from observable work #cat10 words to live by via Echofon

Gia Lyons gialyons Heh. sitting next to a fellow former Certified Lotus Instructor (CLI) #cat10 #bleedyellowstilljustalittle via Seesmic

Andy Wang aewang RT @MikeGotta Observable work: make status of work visible and avoid needless "status meetings" - status available to all that care #cat10 via Twitterrific

Scotty Logan scottylogan terrifying slide of kid with circular saw! #cat10 via YoruFukurou

Eric Ziegler ericzigus http://tweetphoto.com/35608795 funny pictures in #alcoa presentation #cat10 via Touiteur

Andy Wang aewang RT @MikeGotta Concept of "observable work" a new way to operate at Alcoa Fasteners #cat10 great concept via Twitterrific

Scotty Logan scottylogan Alcoa guys: Use addressable hypertext rather than (proprietary) documents #cat10 via YoruFukurou

Mike Gotta MikeGotta Alcoa took a project that normally takes up to 18 months in 7 months #cat10 (QAD implementation in China using Traction TeamPage) via TweetDeck

Gia Lyons gialyons "here's a piece of content, please comment, we'll change content based on what you say, let you know when it's changed." #cat10 #alcoa 41 minutes ago via Seesmic

Gia Lyons gialyons Break out of proprietary doc formats, and use addressable hypertext (URLs) #cat10 #alcoa via Seesmic

Mike Gotta MikeGotta Observable work: make status of work visible and avoid needless "status meetings" - status available to all that care #cat10 via TweetDeck

Dustin Updyke dustinupdyke Doing the work in an observable way eliminates the need for status metings #cat10 via TweetDeck

Catalyst Tweet catatweet Meetings suck! One outcome of observal work is that status is apparent to anyone that needs it #cat10 via Twittelator

Gia Lyons gialyons Do your work in an observable way (via #socbiz), and others will see it, make mental connections b/n theirs and yours. #cat10 #Alcoa via Seesmic

Scotty Logan scottylogan Alcoa don't like meetings - observable work reduces the need for meetings #cat10 via YoruFukurou

mikelor mikelor Make people realize that they are inside a ecosystem, encourage clickable and linkable content. #cat10 via TweetDeck

Gia Lyons gialyons People need to know how what they do is linked to what others do in the company #cat10 #alcoa via Seesmic

Bryant Duhon bduhon RT @gialyons: If you create a community of trust, they'll be comfy working together outside of hierarchy #cat10 via HootSuite

Catalyst Tweet catatweet Authority to update content - don't worry about it. The right thing will happen. #cat10 #OWork via Twittelator

Jamie Lewis jamiemlewis That's the goal. Glad to hear it's working. ;-) RT @JBrodkin: Great tech content at #cat10. Very little marketing BS. via TweetDeck

Gia Lyons gialyons Need to interject social in what you do, especially if you're in IT. #alcoa #cat10 via Seesmic

Mike Gotta MikeGotta Sign of an unhealthy culture is a mindset that thinks they "we" have to survive encounters with "them" (insiders vs. outsiders) #cat10 via TweetDeck

Catalyst Tweet catatweet Collaboration requires trust. The battle plan rarely survives contact with the enemy (users) ;-) #cat10 via Twittelator

Gia Lyons gialyons Being introverted IT guys, we love to close the doors and focus on transaction work. #cat10 #alcoa via Seesmic

Handslive handslive #cat10 HR needs to be aware of the impact of the changes they make. OMG yes. via Twitter for iPhone

Gia Lyons gialyons If you create a community of trust, they'll be comfy working together outside of hierarchy #cat10 via Seesmic

Gia Lyons gialyons Oh, this is shaping up to be a fun and informative preso. #Alcoa #cat10 via Seesmic

Nishant Kaushik NishantK IMO, if more business processes were structured like a game, more stuff would get done way more efficiently #cat10 via TweetDeck

Dustin Updyke dustinupdyke "the battle plan rarely survives first contact with the enemy" #cat10 via TweetDeck

Gia Lyons gialyons ... which leads to better performing team and company. #cat10 via Seesmic

Catalyst Tweet catatweet Why observable work is important. Common aps and processes, within a world of compliance and accountability - we can control work! #cat10 via Twittelator

Gia Lyons gialyons Alcoa hypothesis: Implementing observable work PRINICPLES through enabling TECH creates stronger connections w/customers & colleagues #cat10 via Seesmic

Gia Lyons gialyons Alcoa makes fasteners that go on large things. Like airliners, trucks, etc. #cat10 via Seesmic

Gia Lyons gialyons Alcoa is up now. #cat10 Brian Tullis, Joe Crumpler presenting via Seesmic

Catalyst Tweet catatweet Observable work principles in the realm of #social presented by Alcoa here at #cat10 via Twittelator

Mike Gotta MikeGotta Concept of "observable work" a new way to operate at Alcoa Fasteners #cat10 via TweetDeck

Eric Ziegler ericzigus standard disclaimer from #Alcoa about ideas are their personal ideas not of their companies #cat10 via TweetDeck

Image roundtrip "Enterprise 2.0 and Observable Work" @BrianTullis and @JoeCrumpler session @ #cat10 11:50am PDT #OWork #E20 via Osfoora for iPhone
